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Clipping, Rugs & Coat Care Q&A

Selecting the right rug and providing proper coat care are essential for your horse's comfort and well-being. With the wide range of rugs and coat care options available, finding the perfect fit for your horse's specific needs can feel overwhelming.


But don't worry—our knowledgeable team is here to guide you through the process, whether it's choosing the ideal rug, understanding clipping requirements, or ensuring your horse's coat stays in top condition.


Below are helpful questions we received from our social media followers about clipping, rugs & coat care. 
Got any queries when choosing your rug? Email us at  or call us at +353 (0)5261 24318. We will be happy to help!

Q. When should u start rugging a horse?

A. This depends on many factors, you will need to take into consideration things such as workload, type of horse, if it's stabled or living out, and the
condition of the horse.

You should also think about what the horse is bring aimed at, for example a horse being prepped for sales will be wearing a rug in August but a native pony living out may not need a rug at all!

Bucas Big Neck
Leovet Wash

Q. What are the best clippers for a horse that has really sensitive skin?

A. When clipping a horse with sensitive skin I would recommend NAF 'Love the Skin He's In' wash straight after clipping this will remove any traces of oil that may irritate the skin.


Q. How do you wash a horse rug?

A. The best way to wash your horse rug is to first brush off any dirt. Then, if it is a turnout rug, gently hose the rug off to remove excess dirt. Next, you should wash your rug in the washing machine with rug wash and rug conditioner that is specially made to clean horse rugs without damaging the waterproof coating. We recommend Horseware's Eco Rug Wash and Conditioner or the Bucas Rug Wash and Conditioner is also fantastic! 

To protect your washing machine from dirt and horse hair, it is really useful to use a wash bag that zips closed to keep the rug sealed while it is in the washing machine. See our wash bags here.

You should never: 

  • Dry clean your rug 
  • Tumble dry your rug with heat
  • Use a power hose on your rug as it will damage the waterproof coating
Horseware Rug Wash
Liveryman Black Beauty

Q. What is the best clippers for doing lots of horses in one day?

A. I would recommend the Liveryman Black Beauty for heavy-duty work, it has a brushless motor meaning it won't overheat. It can be used with mains power or a battery can be bought separately to use it as a cordless machine.


Q. How to prep your horse for clipping?

A. To prep your horse for clipping the most important thing is to have him clean. A dirty horse will blunt a set of blades very quickly!

Shop all grooming products here



Leovet Shampoo
Kentucky Karron Oil

Q. Any coat care tips? 

A. To keep your horse's coat looking well during winter when clipped they must be getting good quality food in accordance with needs.

A supplement I would recommend is Forans Karron Oil or Mervue RecoBoost. Daily grooming and washing as required will also help. 



Q. What rug would you recommend for a horse with full clip?

A. Horses with a full clip will need a heavy rug. I recommend the Loveson 300g or Horseware Amigo Bravo 12 Plus both rugs have removable neck pieces. For stabling, I would recommend Rambo Cosy 400g with the Rambo Slinky if it is very cold. 

Horse Rug Liners
Liveryman Harmony Plus Clippers

Q. What would you recommend for a nervous horse being clipped for the first time? 

A. For nervous horses I try to let them see an older quiet horse being clipped, this gets them used to the noise and smell. I would also use the Harmony Plus clippers as it is extremely quiet and has a low vibration

Q. Do you recommend slinky's and why?

A. We recommend Slinky's or Lycra neck protectors for horses being prepped for sale as the Slinky under rugs will keep the coat in excellent condition

Horseware Slinky

Ready to begin your horse rug search? Click HERE to search for hundreds of rugs from top equestrian brands. 

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